
Friday, July 20, 2012

Communication: Sign's Signifier, What was it signified?

First day of reading of the Introduction to Communication. Asked me to answer the following question:

Describe and comment on a sign that you noticed in some "real world" aspect of your daily life (that is, not in the media) this week that you considered particularly interesting, troubling, or in any other way significant. Was the sign a symbol, an icon, an index, or some combination? What was the sign's signifier? What was its signified?

I went to a local shop in Helena and noticed a sign (a flyer) that caught my interest, “Money Tree”. 

The sign was a symbol that represents, as far as I can remember, an artificial tree with money leaves growing in a golden pot for a wedding reception gift.
The sign’s signifier was the written word “Money Tree”.


Out of my curiosity I walked towards where the sign was posted and behind it was a real miniature tree in a pot. 

Before long, I knew that it actually signified the name of a bonsai plant on which the shop/seller posted for shoppers to easily recognize its name or locate the Money Tree.

See I am learning. Now, I am starting to wonder all the signs I see on the road or wherever I go, what could those signs signify to other people. 

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